
Archive for September, 2011

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at Greads. It’s about answering/asking our readers a random book related question. The question posted by Ginger today is…

Banned Books: How do you feel about the censorship of the freedom to read? Do you think the education system needs to be more strict on what children are exposed to in books?

This week’s question is in recognition of Banned Books Week, “an annual event celebrating the freedom to read and the importance of the First Amendment. Held during the last week of September, Banned Books Week highlights the benefits of free and open access to information while drawing attention to the harms of censorship by spotlighting actual or attempted bannings of books across the United States.” – taken from the ALA website.

I think it’s hardest dealing with this issue as a librarian in a school. I’ve dealt with censorship on a personal level…not just the idea of it in theory. People don’t realize how hard librarians fight to keep books and information available to today’s students. And also, how hard we fight to get students to even look at the information we’re fighting to hard to keep in our libraries for them!

As a side note just recently this year my school bought a class set of The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

After the teacher who had the book slated for her class looked into the book further they realized that it was not a book the teacher wished to teach in their class.

This is not censorship…It’s personal preference as to what a teacher wishes to teach in a classroom. The Perks of Being a Wallflower didn’t teach the teacher’s literary elements any better than the book the teacher eventually went with.

I had a school administrator take the book out of the hidden box of these books in my library. True, I was eventually planning on putting a few copies on my shelf…then returning the other 38 books. But without asking this administrator took the book, read it, and in a meeting with myself and my principal declared that he wouldn’t put this book within 10 feet of our students.

This is censorship.

In a moment of fate, not 24 hours after this meeting I had a student approach me. This student said she had just finished the most amazing book, had I ever read it? She was dying to read more books like it…

What book you ask?

Why, it was The Perks of Being a Wallflower…This student connected with this book more than any other she’d ever read. It made her ravenous for more books like it.

I could go into the theories of why young adults like certain types of literature. The developmental path of their brains, their logic, and their emotions. I’ve taken graduate level classes on this type of stuff you know…Librarians don’t just judge their books by the covers 😉

In the end, backed by science or not, it is my student’s reaction to the book that proves we can’t censor our books or our information. To do so is not only dangerous…my heart hurts with the idea that one person feels as though they can dictate what another person should or should not enjoy, should or should not read. It makes my blood pressure rise like none other. It makes this Librarian angry…

My own personal mantra is the following:

“Some people read for windows, some people read for doors”

Given the twists and turns all of our lives take, I’m not about to judge your life by banning a book that either reflects your own, or gives you escape from it.

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Waterfall Wednesdays-A Read-a-Along Event

(Because we all know how much I love me a Read-a-long ;) )

Discussion Questions for Chapters 24-End

Today’s questions hosted by Irresistible Reads

1. After Gabi is injured, the doctor gives her a tonic. Gabi questions the doctor several times what is in it but he refuses to tell. Would have you taken the tonic in Gabi situation?
I think Gabi was in so much pain…she was willing to try anything. I think what also helped was that the doctor was just giving Gabi something for the pain. Natural remedy pain killers have been around for centuries. Now if the doctor had whipped out some leeches Gabi would have had an issue. But I think that first scene where the doctor is slightly insulted that Gabi questions him played out pretty true to life. A man would have been insulted at a woman questioning him…and Gabi would have tried anything once to kill that pain.

Before the games Gabi asks Lia to let Lord Forabosch win in the archery event as people- especially Lord Forabosch- are becoming suspicious of them. But during the games Lord Forabosch upsets Lia trying to throw her off her game. So Lia decides to win. Do you think she did the right thing by not letting Lord Forabosch bully her or do you think she took an unnecessary risk?
Oh my gosh, was any one shocked when Lia decided to beat his medieval booty?…Anyone?…Didn’t think so. That girl wasn’t happy from the start with the idea of concealing her ability. Lord Forabosh just tipped her over the edge. We all knew she was going to take home the gold.
When Gabi is dying and she and Lia decide to return to the tombs so they can get the cure at home, they have to tell Marcello the truth. Even though Marcello thinks that it is madness that they are from the future, he believes in Gabi because he loves her. Do you think this is believable? What would you have done if you were Marcello?
See, I don’t know that Marcello believes her before they start to disappear. Not fully anyway. I think they’re all a bit panicked with the idea of Gabi dying and Marcello is about to give anything a shot.
Also, remember that this was a time where they believed in witchcraft. Sure, you were burned at the stake for it…but they had a wider range of belief in the supernatural than we have today. The idea that Gabi could travel through time probably fit within the bounds of this thought. Though, if she ever comes back, Gabi is going to have a hell of a time convincing everyone she’s not a witch!
In the end Gabi and Lia return home. Do you think Gabi will return to Marcello? Would you go back?
I wouldn’t have left the tomb!!! After realizing I was healed I woulda stuck my hand back on that print while I still had Lia in the cave…Good luck getting Lia to agree to time travel any time soon! (I know, I know, this is a series…obvi someone goes back. But at the end of this book I would have found it hard to see Lia agreeing again right away.)

Looking back at Waterfall what was your favorite moment? 
Whole thing? lol. I loved watching Gabi heal Fortino. Loved the scene where Gabi rides the horse astride. Seeing Gabi wield a sword for the first time. And then the first time Marcello admitted that Gabi was the girl he loved…There, four favorite moments 😉
So reading the rest of the series 😉 RachelKiwi already started number two…taunting me through txting that it gets good! She’s such a pusher…lol.

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The final book in Julie Kagawa’s Iron Fey Series comes out Tuesday October, 25th. Each week until the release date I’ll Book Talk and Review a book in the series…including those novellas!

I’ve become addicted to the series, so whether this is your first time with the books or you’re eagerly awaiting The Iron Knight’s debut a little trip to the Nevernever is good for everyone!

Without further Ado…Winter’s Passage


“My name is Meghan Chase.

If there are three things I’ve learned in my time among the fey, they are this: don’t eat anything you’re offered in Faeryland, Don’t go swimming in quiet little ponds and never, ever, make a bargain with anyone.”

Meghan Chase is following the mysterious Winter Prince Ash through a passage to the Winter Kingdom. She made a contract with this man, a man who’s cold exterior warms her in ways that could be fatal to a Summer Princess. Their attraction could mean death for both of these royals. While not yet a full-blown romance their feelings for one another will only be encouraged by this journey…While the relationship seems to be headed in a hopeless direction, the couple won’t have to worry about its repercussions if The Hunter catches them first…


I liked this novella. I think I liked it more than Kagawa’s first book in the series The Iron King. I was pared down. Far simpler in its fairy tale scope than the first. It could be that I was already familiar with the characters and their story plots. But I liked that the hunter was our main focus and that places and creatures we’d already met were glossed over. I wasn’t overwhelmed with creature and place descriptions like I had been in the novel.

What I liked about this little teaser of a story was it made me realize some mad respect for Kagawa’s knowledge of fairy tale history. I took a few classes in college on fairy tales and what I’ve always loved about this type of literature is its history. How cultures spread far and wide still came up with so many similar tales and characters. When the big bad wolf says

“I am Wolf. I am older than you, older than Mab, older than the most ancient faery to walk this realm. I was in stories long before the humans knew my name, and even then they feared me.”…”I am the wolf at the door, the creature that stalked the girl in the red hood to grandma’s house. I am the wolf who becomes a man, and the man who is a beast inside. My stories outnumber all the tales ever told,…”” (34, ePub ed.)

I was so inspired by this quote. It is amazing to think of all the tales we grew up with…how far back they truly reach. I think that in this tale of passage to the Winter realm of the Unseelie I truly began to respect the spectrum of lore Kagawa is honoring. And the tale does just what it’s supposed to. It whet my appetite for the next book in this series and gave me a view of a legendary character that does deserve some respect.

Rating: 7.5/10

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The Twilight ReRead Continues ;)

Welcome back to my humble abode for chapters 22 to the End of Eclipse. Look to Bookgoonie for more Eclipse answers. Check back here later for the first set of Breaking Dawn Questions. If you don’t have a blog you can comment through Twitter with #mondaybites.

Without further ado…The Questions…

1.  Edward owes Jacob, because of his ability to warm up the freezing Bella. Are you space heater like Jacob or are you the constant cold like Edward?

Oh my gosh, constantly cold!!! Total Edward. Especially when I get tired. I know, it’s kind of odd but the more exhausted I get the colder I start to feel.

Luckily my hubby is a Jacob. I admit to using him as a space heater! Bless the man, he doesn’t complain about my freezing feet cozying up to his as much as he could! lol

2. Bella kisses Jacob in a way that makes him believe she is his. Kind of cheating on Edward. Would you lie and/or cheat to protect someone you loved? Do you think Jacob really bought it?

Let me answer this question backwards. I think Jacob bought it because they do have a connection. If Bella didn’t know what it was like to be with/kiss Edward I think she’d be head over heels for Jacob. You better believe that Bella and Jacob had some heat in that kiss…it’s just not to the level of Edward. And Jacob hasn’t imprinted yet so I think he thinks what he has with Bella is as intense as it gets.

I 100 percent would lie or cheat to protect someone I loved. Wouldn’t we all? Don’t we tell little white lies on a regular basis just to protect the feelings of those we love? It would be a whole lot easier to lie for someone I loved than pick up a broad sword (sorry just can’t help but compare this Q to our Waterfall discussions…too many questions on Wednesday focus on what we would or would not do to protect!).

3. Bella connected with the 3rd wife in the Old Stories. And she unnecessarily stabs herself to distract Victoria and help Edward and Seth. Could you/Would you sacrifice yourself for your husband? 

Haha, I love that you added ‘unnecessarily’ to the question. I think that in the moment Bella thought it was necessary. And I suppose it did provide a distraction of sorts. I think we as women are hardwired to jump in front of the bus for the ones we love. It’s always easier to be the one who sacrifices rather than the one who has to watch the pain.

4. Bella says that she sees all the damage that she has done to both Jacob and Edward. She feels like she strung Jacob along. Do you feel she did and/or do you think Jacob felt that way? 

I don’t blame Jacob as much in this situation. I’ve always, from book 1 blamed Bella for leading Jacob on. She takes it too far with him. Maybe it’s an immaturity, her using sexuality to keep Jacob around rather than a solid friendship. I agree that Bella needs a Jacob in her life. A true friend to give her an outside perspective. But she shouldn’t have used Jacobs attraction to her to keep him around. I think she used it because she was scared that if Jacob knew he didn’t have a chance he’d leave her as a friend.

I guess at the end of Eclipse and the beginning of Breaking Dawn we do find that he leaves Bella because of her choices. I wonder if he would have left had they just been friends the whole time? But then where would that love triangle tension be the strung the reader along? I suppose we wouldn’t enjoy fiction as much if characters always made the right choices. Who wants to read about that life?! lol

5. In Bella’s hindsight, she says she was trying to reconcile the 2 parts of her Jacob’s Bella and Edward’s Bella. Can you identify those different parts of her? And do you have 2 separate halves? 

I think that Jacob pushed Bella while Edward protected her. In a lot of ways she grew more with Jacob than with Edward. Though, the relationship with Edward is far more mature…one that seems as though it could last through infinity.

We all have multiple personalities. And we all have friends and loves in our lives that bring out those different sides. People we turn to for a laugh and a good time, People whose shoulders we cry on, People who inspire, and unfortunately People who bring us down.

It’s just occurring to me that maybe this is Bella’s biggest mistake…believing that she can be everything to one person. That’s impossible. That’s why she’s always needed Jacob in her life, Alice too for that matter. If she could accept that she needs more than just Edward in her life she’d probably be a lot happier…And more ready to have a friendship with Jacob.

Breaking Dawn Questions to Come!

They are currently under construction, lol

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TGIF is hosted by Ginger at Greads. It’s about answering/asking our readers a random book related question. The question posted by Ginger today is…

Reading Challenges: Did you sign up for any this year?

How has your progression been?

I did sign up for one challenge this year. The R.I.P. challenge. This challenge is in its sixth year and is hosted by Stainless Steel Droppings. I liked the challenge because it offered a lot of different levels of commitment.

I’ve committed to Peril the 1st.

This means that I have to read 4 “scary” books by October 31st. Well, I’m calling them scary but technically I just have to read anything that could be classified as:

  • Mystery
  • Suspense
  • Thriller
  • Dark Fantasy
  • Gothic
  • Horror
  • Supernatural

You see, this is my first reading challenge and I chose it because I love to get all theme-y in the fall. I was built for the fall people…I miss it! I’ve got red hair, pale skin, and a deep desire to wear boots with long skirts. Oh and apples, and pumpkin patches…maybe lots of apple cider with peach schnaps…

But I digress…

I long for the fall even more because as we all know…this very pale, easily sunburnt, librarian lives in Southern Florida. Yep, it’s def. still about 90 out right now and those dreams of some new rich brown, Victorian steampunk-ish, shoebooties are not jiving with the weather.

*But wouldn’t shoes like that look great with a skirt?*

*Something a la Anthropologie*

But again…I digress…I’m here to talk about books, forgot for a second, lol…

My progress with this challenge is as follows:

I’ve signed up for it and downloaded The Shining from my local library

and The Poisoned House from NetGalley

But I would love lots of help picking my final two books! I’m a scaredy-cat at heart and horror has never really been my thing. Picture me sleeping with a night-light throughout the month of October.

So what about you?

Any Reading Challenges?

Any Scary Story suggestions? (please, please, please! lol)

Any thoughts on fall fashion?

Leave it all in the comments folks 😉

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Number 4 is no longer alone. Escaping Paradise with little more than their lives John, Six, and Sam are now on the run. Hunted as fugitive terrorists by the FBI…and hunted as an ancient enemy by the Mogadorians death could be around any corner. With John and Six fighting together the charm that keeps all but the next number safe has been broken. Now, they’re traveling down the road in a stolen car, with a human, and a wounded Bernie Kosar…Their legacies are more important than ever…

But Six and Four are not the only Lorien to receive their legacies. Marina…number X has been hidden in a Spanish convent. Growing into her legacies as her Cepan grows apart from her and hides in the word of God. She’ll need to seek out her destiny on her own because the Mogdorians are coming for her…and they’re coming fast…


I have such a hard time with this series. I am completely and utterly addicted to their plot, to the story line, and the action. But the writing, ugh! the writing…it’s just bad. Especially John’s dialogue. Awkward does not even begin to describe it. I will say that Lore writes the internal (and external) dialogue of his female characters much better. Maybe this means Lore is a woman? A very Metro man? The girls were much easier to read and enjoy than John, I never winced for a female character in this book.

That being said…I’m still a lover of the series. Lore does action like it’s her/his job. It comes out of nowhere, it’s intense, and keeps you on edge wondering WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT. Seriously, this book ended and I ran to the internet Googling: “Lorien Legacies #3” Yep, no news yet…but I’ll keep everyone posted…

Given that I find it so hard to review this book and yet explain why I enjoy it I thought I’d take a page from Bookish Bethie who gave me the idea for this post. You see, sometimes she just gives her notes on the book. Her straight-out-of-the-margins notes. I thought I’d do the same as you can totally see how I vacillate between overwhelming love and excitement, and notations of stupidity. Brace yourself…I really do say the word ‘stupid’ a lot…maybe I need a thesaurus…

Without Further Ado, My Notes…

Pg. 24: Aww, Shucks…man-hug ❤

Pg. 27: “I love algebra,” Sam says. “Sam equals x. Variable x.”

Pg. 51: Wonder about the meaning of religion in the text? Is there a reason? A point? What about Adelina with her head in the sand vs. Henri and Six’s Cepan?

Pg. 81: Action is intense & fast. Why do they keep doing stupid things? Light, helicopter, painting, wall…

Pg. 121: Sam quote – “But if you just want me for target practice, I’m going home”

Pg. 123: Four [John] is so stupid

Pg. 152: Is Ella a chimera? Can they be people?

Pg. 167: Ha Ha Sam, Locker Rooms and the power of good…

Pg. 172: Why is 4 [John] So poorly written? Awkward/Bad dialogue.

Pg. 181: The Action…Oh, The Action!!!

Pg. 185: Sometimes I think Lore thinks I’m stupid…Obv. Ella is finding the chest!

Pg. 190: Loving this little girl! I’ve never wished so hard a girl was a pet before!!!

Pg. 205: Sam’s got Skillz!

Pg. 221: I’ve always wondered about Sam’s father…

Pg. 239: Not understanding the pills?…

Pg. 246: ha ha, this is why we keep Sam around!

Pg. 253: Ahh, didn’t notice the two type fonts till now…cool

Pg. 255: She’s been speaking in Spanish?!

Pg. 276: A little unbelievable but whoo hoo Adelina!

Pg. 282: horrible dialogue and stupid move, blah

Pg. 306: Perhaps John’s first interesting dialogue

Pg. 317: I’m beginning to wonder why these chests aren’t smaller…

Pg. 330: hmm, thought that was a possibility, why did I jump to the wrong conclusion?

Pg. 387: Wait…NO!!!

Pg. 406: I need the next one RIGHT NOW!

Rating: 2/5 for the writing 5/5 for the addictiveness!

Thanks to Me, MyShelf, and I for having me on this little book tour 😉

Me, My Shelf and I Book Tours

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Waterfall Wednesdays-A Read-a-Along Event

(Because we all know how much I love me a Read-a-long ;) )

Discussion Questions for Chapters 18-23

Today’s questions hosted by Supernatural Snark

 1. Gabi and Lia both face several life and death situations in these chapters, having to pick up weapons in defense of those they love and experiencing first hand the brutality of close combat. If you had the choice between picking up a weapon and standing on the front lines or staying behind to tend to the wounded as necessary, which would you choose?

I’d tend to the wounded. I find that I’m a lot better in managing situations of controlled chaos than dealing with violence. I think I’d be able to keep my head in the trauma situation and not turn green like Lia.

2. Both girls get to wear extraordinary gowns to their victory celebration; what would your dream medieval gown look like?

Mine would be emerald-green, and I liked the lady below…

but maybe more embroidered a la…

and I’ve always been a sucker for this picture…

3. Gabi has crude stitches put in and must endure both their removal as well as the cauterization of the wound. How is your threshold for pain? Do you think you would have simply gritted your teeth as Gabi does?

This is so funny, I just got stitches yesterday…over 30 of them! Hurts like your favorite swear word, let me tell you.

Well…it hurts after all that local anesthesia wears off. Could not imagine doing it without modern medicine. Nope. No way no how.

4. Marcello wants to properly court Gabi after they express mutual feelings of affection, wanting to speak with her mother about his intentions. What do you think is the most romantic aspect of medieval courtship?

I think it’s the idea of the pledge. When a courtship is done right, with feeling the way Gabi and Marcello are…it’s beyond romantic. Putting your love on the line from the beginning.

However without love, a medieval courtship could be the worst way to trap someone in marriage. Once an intention is made it would have been very hard to back out without ruining a reputation or alliance. So we’ll see how Lady Rossi and the Nine handle that one.

5. Gabi and Lia find themselves with conflicting desires toward the end with Lia wanting to return home and Gabi hoping to stay. Do you think that Gabi is being unfair to Lia for wanting to stay, or is Lia being unfair to Gabi for demanding they go? A little of both?

This is so hard! Rationally I side with Lia. They are girls of the 21st century. They do not belong in medieval Italy, and even with their super skills are probably ill equipped to survive.

But then there’s that attraction that Gabi and Marcello have. That would be so hard to give up no matter what the circumstances. Through out history and daytime-drama TV we always see lovers who will give up almost anything…endure the worst to be with the one they love. I’m really interested in seeing how this one ends up! Remember, it’s my first time with the book!

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The final book in Julie Kagawa’s Iron Fey Series comes out Tuesday October, 25th. Each week until the release date I’ll Book Talk and Review each book in the series…including those novellas! I’ve become addicted to the series, so whether this is your first time with the books or you’re eagerly awaiting The Iron Knight’s debut a little trip to the Nevernever is good for everyone!

Without further Ado…The Iron King


Do you remember the tales of your childhood? Faery Princesses, Knights on horseback, Mermaids, Gremlins, Goblins, and Trolls? Do you remember a time when you believed it? When you could see the pointed ears of a faery? The tree that hid the elf?


How about the man beneath your bed? The boogie man who hid in your closet? The fear that gripped you in the night? These memories stay with us longer. Everyone has a boogie man, a monster that no amount of adult-flash-light wielding will chase away.

As adults we’ve outgrown these fantasies. We fail to see the magic amongst our daily routines. Meghan Chase has been haunted by fleeting visions of the fantastic. A flash of unearthly color in her peripheral vision, a pair of eyes in the back of a closet. At 16 she’s learned to ignore these abnormalities. As humans it’s what we do best…rationalize the supernatural…turn a blind eye to our childhood lore.

Meghan is about to be drawn into a world she has long forgotten. Faeryland, The land of Nevernever. A place where all the tales of your youth are alive and well. Not only will she embark on a dangerous journey among the legendary…she’ll find a father she never knew. A destiny larger than the restraints of the imagination. Meghan will find herself a Summer Princess. Half-human, half-fey. Gifted with more power than she’d ever dreamed and enthralled with a man who could very well be the death of her. Her entire world is about to be turned upside-down, a lost brother and a romance between the Summer and Winter courts can never end well.


Talk about combining our fairy tales or faery tales depending on your origin. This series packs everything from Irish, French, Shaksperian, and Alice-and-Wonderland-ean creatures. You’ll meet everyone from Puck to King Oberon to the Cheshire Cat a.k.a. Grim.

I have to admit that there were times in this read that my head was spinning trying to take in the details of Kagawa’s world. You are introduced to sooo much! Kagawa is operating under the premise that these creatures of the Nevernever are kept alive through the belief in their tales. Thus, the more popular/amount of tales written about you the stronger a Faery creature you are. As your tales fade from existence, you too as a creature fade from the Nevernever.

In fact, Nevernever itself is beginning to fade. Which makes me sad while at the same time slightly annoyed by all the fairy stuff happening. Lol, I was reading thinking “geeze, if I wanted a child’s setting I’d pick up some Grimm’s Tales myself!”. While at the same time wanting to do some clapping so I could keep little Tinkerbell alive. Disclaimer…Tinkerbell does not make an appearance in this tale. Apparently, Kagawa had to draw the line somewhere. But then that’s the problem with the Nevernever, it’s fading because people are starting to not believe in its creatures. And perhaps creating an evil that will destroy Faeryland faster than any disillusionment of humans.

But I digress, back to the review at hand. I’d read in other reviews that this first title in the series was “just ok” but that the rest were more of the “I LOVE it!” variety. Thus, I’m sticking with it. I just think that, sadly, as an adult so much fairy tale is difficult to take. Even with all my reading I was sad to find that my imagination was taxed with all of the world building my mind had to do! I was pressed to find images from movies and half-forgotten lore from both childhood and a fairy tale literature college class to pull this world together.

But I can see the potential. Ash is super hot, and Puck obviously has the hots for Meghan…and true to the trope Meghan is oblivious to Puck’s crush. Instead her heart is flip-flopping every time the Ice Prince comes close. Their journey into the Faeryland of Nevernever is one full of obstacles and very political contract making. Offering a tithe to a fey is tricky business and I was happy to see that Meghan caught on to this verbal sparring quickly…because she hands out more than her share of favors. Oh, and Grim the cat was my FAVORITE character in the book. Love him and his cat-like ways. Sarcastic, aloof, secretive, and strangely loyal he’s a real winner in the creature department.

Ultimately this tale was an introduction to the world. You meet almost every creature I’ve heard of and some that I hadn’t. The relationships that begin hold promise. And Meghan’s history/destiny has barely begun to be revealed. It’s these tastes of future tales that inspire me to read the rest. It’s a decent start…but I’m hoping it picks up speed in the future.

Rating: 6/10

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The Twilight ReRead Continues ;)

Welcome back to my humble abode for chapters 15-21 of Eclipse. Look to Bookgoonie to link up your Eclipse answers as well as get the next Eclipse questions. If you don’t have a blog you can comment through Twitter with #mondaybites.

Without further ado…The Questions…

1. Guy Friends. Bella wants Jacob to just be friends. Jacob will settle for friends while he launches Operation Win Bella’s Heart. Can girls have true boy friends? That aren’t gay and aren’t secretly open to “friends with benefits.”

Hahahahahahaha, Hmm…this is actually a good one. I would say that Meyer makes Jacob just a friend in the next book, but she doesn’t actually accomplish that without the help of a magical imprinting plot point. I think that there is a lower level of this out there than one you are suggesting. The problem with it all is that men and women are hardwired to flirt…or to size each other up as potential mates. Even if we already have a mate for life. I just think that between two heterosexual men and women there is always going to be an undercurrent of something. BUT I would also say that with most of my guy friends it’s so slight as to go unnoticed.

2. Friends. Jessica gets all bubbly gooey about staying friends with Bella when they go off to college. Have you stayed close to your high school friends after graduation?

Yes! My friends from high school are among my closest friends to this day. RachelKiwi, my book club of two companion is from high school, and my BFF Alex was my maid of honor and I’m hers also a high school friendship, I’m running a half marathon with a life-long friend in January, and I just had a marathon phone conversation with another high school bestie this weekend. I couldn’t function without these women…even though we’re now scattered all across the country.

But enough about me, time to size up Bella’s friendships. Let’s be honest. Jessica is not sticking around for the long haul. Edward has read her mind far too many times to think that the sentimental graduation time period is going to have any lasting effect on that personality. Bella has chosen the vampires instead…and I’m going to wager that they’re going to be high school buddies again, and again, and again, and again, lol.

3. Fathers. Charlie. He laughs about lessons he should have taught Bella, like how to throw a punch. What are some of the lessons your dad taught you? If not, any self-defense lessons? Or lessons you think Charlie should have taught Bella?

I have no self-defense training. None, so please no one find me in a dark alley some night…I’m totally a goner.

My dad has left me with the same piece of advice since kindergarten. Even to this day he says it, slightly modified.

Listen to the Teacher

I’m pretty sure looking back with my adult 20/20 vision this comment originated in the fact that I was one of those kids who didn’t always pay attention. I was queen of LaLa Land. Teachers had to send notes home saying things like

Please don’t let Sara wear jewelry to school

Yep, between focusing on a teacher and a small shiny object the teacher didn’t stand a chance! lol. Obviously, I’ve conquered my attention problem. I’ve successfully made it through grade school, college, and a masters degree…and done so with flying colors. I don’t want to list those GPAs…no need for people to be more jealous of this uber-cool Librarian 😉 haha…

But, back to my Dad…Over the years I’ve pared down the advice to mean “listen”. So much of our time is spent talking, or thinking about what we’re going to say/do/type next…rarely do we focus that energy on really ‘hearing’ other people and absorbing that information. While it is as always a daily battle to stop playing with my jewelry (yes! even during both my Yoga Teacher and Librarian training I always get…”stop fidgeting with your jewelry“…it’s turned into a nervous habit! lol) I also make it a point to listen to those around me…anyone can be a teacher…

4. Dog kisses. Jacob gives Bella a big old dog lick. Do you love dog kisses?

I get dog baths! My little white fluffy dog will lick just about any piece of skin she’s closest to. And apparently if a human isn’t quite close enough she’s been known to lick things like blankets and even our couch! Let’s just say that at this point I’d be A. Ok. with a cute little doggie kiss to two. My dog is just not refined enough for that. Too close to the face and she’ll try to lick your teeth!

5. Mementos. Jacob gives Bella a wolf and Edward a diamond heart. Both equally representative of themselves. What kind of charm would represent your love? Also, Edward gives Bella his mother’s ring. He jokes that if she doesn’t like hand-me-downs he would get her something from Tiffany’s. Which would you prefer?

Let me start with the jewelry question. I have a few heirloom pieces, one ring in particular from my great-grandmother. I love wearing it because it reminds me of her. In the case of an engagement ring, I have to admit, I’m a new ring kinda gal. I love the sentiment behind an heirloom, but I’ve always thought that an engagement ring would me my own. Something to hand down myself. Not, perhaps to serve its original purpose, but as a reminder of me the same way I feel about my great grandmother’s ring.

Hmm, I think I’m skipping a charm all together. First off the hubby really doesn’t wear jewelry. Second, the things that I’d give someone to remind them of me wouldn’t really work well as a charm. I’m going to go with a tattoo. For my husband I’d put “My Love” somewhere on him. I guess it’s the same as the charm bracelet for Bella…a way to mark my territory! lol.

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TGIF (9)…When a book Fails…

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at Greads. It’s about answering/asking our readers a random book related question. The question posted by Ginger today is..

Book Disappointments: Have you ever come across a book you were so stoked to read, but it failed miserably in your eyes?

The Ending of the Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning

I Loved this series. Seriously, LOVED. It follows this one girl, MacKayla a.k.a. Mac through this transformation from spoiled pretty-girl to kick-a$$ unseelie fighter. Oh, and then there was that AMAZING sexual tension between Mac and Barrons, the hotter than hot, bookstore owning, slightly supernatural, maybe villain, guy. A hook-up that is books and books in the making.

The first four books were so strong! And then the last one, it just didn’t deliver. A big poo poo on the entire series. I was so disappointed in the end I don’t even recommend it to others. Which is so horrible because I was ready to run off to Vegas and marry the first four books.

The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

(sort of)

the summer i turned pretty by Jenny Han

Before anyone freaks out…this is a “sort-of” answer (note the ‘sort-of’ in my title). Every review I read loved this book. Like LOVED, Where-has-this-been-all-my-life LOVED. I Liked the book, I enjoyed the book, I’m going to finish the series eventually and will recommend the book to my students…but I don’t feel the need to bring the L-word into my relationship with this book.

Sometimes these are the worst fails. The “Likes” when you were expecting to “LOVE!!!”. Just a little reminder to TheLibrarian, that not all books are for all people…

The Summer I Turned Pretty Review

Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause

Publisher’s weekly said this was: ”darkly sexy prose and suspenseful storytelling”

On Amazon and Barnes and Noble hundreds of readers give the paranormal novel a combined star rating of 4.5 stars along with reader reviews titled things like “Highly Recommended”, “Yummy”, and “My Absolute Fav”.

I HATED this book. HATED. Look at that…two complete capitalization hates in a row, that means I really mean it. Probably the only review I’ve ever written in which I seriously hate-on a book. Ugh, it was bad. I couldn’t even BookTalk it! And we all know how I can craft a BookTalk outta just about anything…

Blood and Chocolate Review

Anyone else out there disappointed? It’s ok…feel free to whine along with me, lol.
















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