
Archive for August, 2011


The publisher describes this novel as “a comedy of manners set in Victorian London full of werewolves, vampires, dirigibles, and tea-drinking.”

And Oooh, is that publisher oh so right.

Welcome to Victorian London, a place where paranormal creatures are not just out and about, they’re an important part of society. This book is not one of horror and fear. It’s a world in which a Vampire biting without permission is *gasp* the highest of society sins. Miss Alexia Tarabotti is a self-proclaimed “spinster” a woman shunned by normal society due to her Italian heritage, busty physique, and bluestocking nature and secretly shunned by the paranormal set for her status as a preternatural: Someone who can return a paranormal person to their human form with just a touch.

However Alpha werewolf and BUR administrator Lord Conall Maccon is not only undeterred by London’s social ruling on Miss Tarabotti, lately he’s doing all in his power to find Alexia in some secluded location as to ravish her just a little bit. But between Conall’s lordly manner and Alexia’s sharp tongue and with the addition of a certain dead vampire…Well, the final result will shock all…


Where has this series been all my life?! Why did no one shove one of these books in my hands years ago? Why, bookish people, Why?!

Because I am in love with these books!

I love the voice and tone of the writing. Alexia is sharp and witty. A social observer with a dry sense of humor. Honestly, this is not a “trashy-romance” type of romance. The physical scenes are kept to a minimum, and are fairly tame at that. However, that being said, during the few kissing scenes the juxtaposition of Alexia’s dry observations about the act itself and the description of enjoying the lusty kissing was hilarious! Loved. It.

The characters are just so unique. Carriger plays with the social rules of Victorian London and amends them with the abilities of the paranormal. You spend the whole novel enjoying jabs at ostentatious hats and poorly tied cravats. When you’re really looking at creatures most authors place in a monster-like position. Carriger has tamed the paranormal…Emily Post would be proud.

I also enjoyed Alexia’s relationships. Her romance with Conall is swoonworthy, and her friendship with Ivy is just so honest and funny. Seriously Ivy, her hats, and Alexia’s view of them was just so darn funny. The mentor she finds in a rogue Vampire and his boy-toy Biff are amusing and informative. I liked that although on paper Alexia should have been a social outcast, she really ends up being the glue that pulls together these disparate societies and people. But really, what you’ll fall in love with is the world Carriger has created. It’s unique and oh so enjoyable.

Rating: 5/5 Jump into this series if you haven’t already!

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Ruby Oliver is 15 and has a shrink…take it easy on her…she’s had a rough 10 days…

So far she has: Lost her boyfriend, lost her best friend, lost all other friends, did something suspicious with a boy, did something advanced with a boy, had an argument with a boy, drank her first beer, got caught by her mom drinking said beer, had a panic attack (or 10), lost a lacrosse game, failed a math test, hurt Meghan’s feelings, became a social outcast, had graffiti written about her in the girls’ bathroom (let’s not think about what’s written in the boys!), and accidentally lost a list entitled “the boyfriend list”.

But before anyone reading this thinks to call Ruby a slut – or even just imagines she’s incredibly popular know that this is a tale of one fishnet wearing, thrift shop diving, four eyed, semi popular, “normal” teen who finds herself having panic attacks. Once her parents freak over this mental distress she’s shipped off to spend a few hours a week with Dr. Z. A woman who tries tracking Ruby’s view on life through her experiences with boys. A combination of embarrassing moments, sweet scenes, and frankly almost unimportant situations with frogs. Ruby is going to sort through this mess she’s gotten herself into…Because while therapy is helping, I’m sure Dr. Z and Ruby never intended the list of 15 names to become public…


I loved that when this book started I didn’t have the full details of Ruby’s damaging social drama. I was so intrigued to meet the players in the story and to find out exactly what went down in that horrible week. There were times that I thought Ruby did a lot of damage to herself based simply on her passive personality. But I really wanted some of the mean girls to get what was coming to them…and that doesn’t really happen. At least not in this book.

I’m sorry, but if this whole story basically hinges on the “stealing” of one’s boyfriend then I have no idea why Ruby’s friends would side with Kim. Seriously, on page 131 all I could think of was ‘B**ch, no you didn’t!”. I wanted to leap into the pages and stand up for Ruby; maybe a little reader smack-down. Ruby is just so normal, you connect to her so easily. Her situations with guy range from a crush to her first actual boyfriend. Any girl will find sympathy and a pang of knowledge. Trust me, you’ve been there.

I think that the biggest lesson I took away from this story was what really makes a person good/or bad in our public judgement. I’m not talking someone who is doing evil things, like maiming puppies or some such practice. I’m talking about our friends, our acquaintances. Especially in high school often times we label people as being good or bad based on shallow acts. The girl who always smiles and does tons of charity work is good. The girl who thinks for herself, makes a social snafu is bad. So much of high school politics (both in high school and the world beyond) asks us to withhold what we’d like to say…we have to follow rules set down socially that allow for no amendments. It’ll make you think twice about that gossip you just heard. And it really makes you feel for Ruby, nobody is meaner than a teenage girl. Kids really are cruel.

But quirky Ruby will rise above. The book ends on a note that really feels like a beginning for this series. You’ll finish this book wondering what is in store for our newly psychologically aware heroine. With the hope that she’ll wake up and find a few new friends. It’s a good thing that this series has been out for awhile…you can pick up the rest of Ruby’s adventures without delay.

Rating: 4/5 A funny teen read, Quirkily written about a Quirky girl

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The Twilight ReRead Continues ;)

Welcome back to my humble abode for chapters 19 – Epilogue of New Moon. Look to Bookgoonie this week for the start of Eclipse you’ll link up your final New Moon answers over there as well as get the first of her Eclipse questions. If you don’t have a blog you can comment through Twitter with #mondaybites.

Without further ado…The Questions…

1. Alice feels the frustration…”Actually, Bella…Honestly, I think it’s all gotten beyond ridiculous. I’m debating whether to just change you myself.” (436)

What do you feel at this point in the novel, Alice’s frustration to get on with the inevitable change…Or Edward and Rosalie’s fierce grip on experiencing human life?

I have to admit…I’m all for the change. I think that at this point in the novel and after visiting the Volturi it seems so inevitable. Plus, it would solve so many plot problems. While I do get that it is difficult to let go of human life. Bella has obviously made her choice. Someone should just get it over with already! lol.

2. Suicide…dun dun dunnn…We know that Edward ultimately chooses to K.I.S.S.(keep it simple stupid) “He’s going to keep it simple. He’s just going to walk out into the sun.” (438). Bella dramatically jumped off a cliff…as did Esme for that matter…This may be a bit morbid, but if you had to end it all (in the name of Love obviously, lol) how would you do it? Quick? Slow? A flair for the dramatic? Feel free to comment on the formerly mentioned characters if plotting your own demise is just a little too much for you…I’ll understand 😉

Haha, I must  have been feeling a bit dramatic myself creating this question. I think I’m the type of person who values their life. But since I did ask the question…probably slow and as painless as possible. Though, as an angsty teen perhaps I would have been more dramatic. No matter what I’d leave a note…something all of these characters failed to do…weird considering it’s a book…

3. Ahh, the Volturi. The creepiest of the creepy vampires. How do you feel meeting them for the second time? Do you have a favorite villain? A power you’d steal for Team Cullen? 

I love Jane. She’s just so creepy! Picturing this little girl harming people with her mind. I see her as the ultimate mean girl. It just makes it all that much better when she’s defeated at the end of the series. Like Bella’s powers are one big HaHa to Jane 😉

3.5. Obviously the book does not contain the fight scene the movie does. Do you prefer the first meeting with the Volturi violence free? Or would a few punches have livened up the scene?

I don’t think you need the violence; in the book at least. There is so much tension in the writing of the scene. It’s intense and scary in a way that I don’t think they could have replicated in movie format. The movie’s scene does it’s part but I prefer the books version. Esp. having the human secretary, how much of an official operation it all is, bringing in the tourists as food…Creepy!

4. Chapter 23: The Truth. This is an open thoughts question. It’s meant to be the make up scene…If you were Bella are you buying Edward’s ‘truth’? How do you feel as an outsider watching the scene?

I think this scene is so corny. The rest of the novel was pretty honest and the make-up dialogue in this chapter just didn’t ring true to me. It was too pleading, I think reading it a second time I would have rather seen an honest conversation. A place where Edward and Bella could have shared concerns that drove them to the breaking point. Where Bella could have shared what she learned about herself during her time away from Edward. I just think the whole thing could have been handled better.

5. Poor Charlie! The guy is abandoned by his daughter at least once a book, lol. And he always takes her back. As a reader I’ve always kind of pitied the guy…In honor of his paternal patience write your biggest, most parent-like, rant at your ‘daughter’ Bella. Give us the anger and the passion Charlie never seems to express in the books!

“Bella! get in the house!!

You are not to leave that house until you see a therapist, Until I’ve talked to Edward’s parents, Until we get a restraining order for Edward, Until you start getting involved in something other than your boyfriend…

Do you have any idea how bad you’ve hurt me

How much I’ve worried

Give the passport back…Now!!”

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TGIF (6)…Book Association

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at Greads. It’s about answering/asking our readers a random book related question. The question posted by Ginger today is…

Book Associations:

Which genre, authors, or particular books do you think

people associate with your reading style?

Hmm…Besides Young Adult, which I’m not going to count because it really isn’t one type of book…it’s all the genres just written for a slightly younger audience…I’m going to go with Romance.

Not everyone is a Romance fan, and I’d even go so far as to say that some look down upon the genre. I think anything that brings me that much pleasure (ok, baaad pun!) reading is a good thing. Not every author can create connections between characters as well as a good Romance writer. I’d even say that some general lit authors could take a lesson or two from the tension Romance writers are able to create…

The first Romance I ever did was in 8th grade:

And I was hooked.

Seriously, Hook. Line. and Sinker.

I read a pretty large variety of genres and switch between YA and Adult on a regular basis. But I think it’s my love of a Trashy Romance…A Bodice Ripper…The Dime Store Novel…That sets me apart from the pack. Give me a big strong man, a good woman, and a heaping pile of chemistry and I’m set. Kilts don’t hurt either (must have been my start with Saving Grace‘s highland setting, lol).

So there you have it. For better or worse I’m a lover of Romance…

What’s your book association?

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The Winner of my first ever blog giveaway is…

Whoo hoo! lol

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to enter. And congrats Erica I hope you enjoy the read 😉

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This book is an original thriller with a taste of Sweden’s dirty not-so-little secrets the first of a trilogy introduces a provocatively odd couple: disgraced financial journalist Mikael Blomkvist, freshly sentenced to jail for libeling a shady businessman, and the multipierced and tattooed Lisbeth Salander, a feral but vulnerable superhacker. Mikael’s prospects appear bleak until an unexpected (and unsettling) offer to resurrect his name is extended by an old-school titan of Swedish industry Heinrik Vanger. The catch–and there’s always a catch–is that Blomkvist must first spend a year researching the mysterious disappearance of Vanger’s great-niece. A case that has remained unsolved for nearly four decades. With few other options, he accepts and enlists the help of investigator Lisbeth Salander. The duo gradually uncover a festering mass of family corruption—at the same time, Larsson skillfully bares some of the similar horrors that have left Salander such a marked woman.
Little is as it seems in Larsson’s novel, but there is at least one constant: you really don’t want to mess with the girl with the dragon tattoo.


This should really be called “my thoughts” instead of a review..I read this book so long ago! But I just wanted to share the book talk. I used it for seniors with the warning that there were some graphic scenes. I also encouraged the students who chose the book for their outside reading project to finish the series. I think that the graphic nature of the first book is mitigated by the trial scene in the final book, The Girl who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest. The series while a thriller/mystery in genre is really about the coming of age of its main character Lisbeth Salander. She starts as a weird, tortured little girl and ends up a woman. It’s totally awesome to see her use brains to outwit brawn.

Another warning I like to give for the series is that it does take between 50 and 100 pages to really get into the story. Even as a devoted reader, there were points in the beginning that were tough to wade through. Of course it all ends up being worth it. You’ll be left with only a hazy memory of a struggling start. The rest of the series is simply that good.

Rating: 5/5 A mystery trilogy with the weirdest, coffee drinking, kick butt, tattooed girl around

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Miles “Pudge” Halter’s claim to fame is memorizing famous last words. Take Henrik Ibsen, the playwright. Well, he’d been sick for a while and his nurse said to him ‘You seem to be feeling better this morning’ and Ibsen looked at her and said, ‘On the contrary.’ and then he died. Or Civil war General Albert Sidney Johnston, who when asked if he was injured answered, “Yes, and I fear seriously” and then he died. Finally, we have poet Francois Rebelais. Who’s last words of: “I go to seek a Great Perhaps” spur Pudge into a life changing decision.

Previously a slightly friendless Florida high school-er, Pudge transfers schools his junior year choosing his father’s Alma Mater of Culver Creek Boarding School. Here he will make friends with The Colonel, named such for his gift of planning pranks, Lara the cute Romanian, Takumi the rapping chinaman, and Alaska, the sexiest, moodiest, most exciting, self-destructive, reading, smoking, master-pranker Pudge has ever met. Like all good stories this tale hinges on a single event…Before it was all fun, games, and adventure….After nothing will ever be the same…


To be honest when this novel started I thought it was going to go in a different direction. Something not so ambivalent. I thought it was going to have something to do with a prank gone wrong. Maybe a sudden disaster or accident. What eventually happens is unsettling. Not so much because the turning point is a dramatic scene. It’s the swiftness, the unexpected and yet quietly shown change that is so challenging.

I’ll admit that I don’t often look to my covers for book inspiration. While I love a good cover as much as the next person rarely do I rely on the image to portray an actual person/theme/feeling that exists in the book. But that image of the candle just blown out…That is the perfect image for the novel. That is exactly what happens. And that is exactly why dealing with the major plot point of the novel is so hard. There is no reason, no one to blame. Not even clear 20/20 hindsight with which to deal with your emotions. If it’s this hard as a reader imagine the thoughts, feelings, and actions of the characters.

This is the shortest review ever…Looking for Alaska is a YA classic for a reason. Perfect for the high school reader. I won’t go any further because if you’ve read it…you know what I’m talking about. And if you haven’t, I’m not going to ruin a classic.

Rating: 4.5/5 Just short of perfect on my personal scale…ambivalent ending got me… 

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It’s official. The first day back at school with students. Roughly 9 months till freedom, lol.

Sometimes I feel like the kids! As much as I love my job, it’s still awful hard to let go of my Hoda and Kathy Lee time and all those free hours to indulge in reading, working out when I want to, the ability to clean at a leisurely pace. Obviously, it’s all about the little things…

Which is the point of this little post. You see my mother puts together the cutest, theme-y-est, most special hugs in a box. She has the ability to see a special card or gift for a person and instead of just thinking “oh, so and so would love that”…She actually gets the card or gift and ships it off. I will be the first to admit that this talent skipped a generation, lol. In honor of my mother’s amazingness, I thought I’d show off the package she sent my way in honor of my First Day of School…

Couldn’t let anyone in on our addresses…so excuse the weird blurry-ness

See I am cool…At least my mom thinks so…

I think my love of Dorothy is further proof of my coolness…Obviously 😉

In case you can’t read that she sent off a little essentials kit to prep for the year…

A proud Librarian mug and a Dunkin Donut’s gift card…I would die without my DD coffee!

A gift card to Old Navy…gotta have a new first day of school outfit…

A new Nook cover (I’ve been dying for this one! A red-headed librarian just like me…)

And a “bookish” charm bracelet…I have no idea where she even found it!

So there you have it. An amazing little box of prep to sustain me through the transition from summer to school year. The best hug a girl can get when her mom lives across the country. She has no idea I received the package before the year started…So thank you mom! Perfect and wonderful as always!!


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The Twilight ReRead Continues ;)

Welcome back to my humble abode for chapters 9 – 18 of New Moon. I’ll be in charge of our New Moon read so get comfie! You’ll be joining Bookgoonie for Eclipse, because we’ll all need a little switch up by then, lol. Remember to link up below to share your answers. If you don’t have a blog you can comment through Twitter with #mondaybites.

Join us next week as we read chapters 19 – Epilogue of New Moon. Discussion questions can be found at the bottom of this post. Stop by next Monday to share.

Without further ado…The Questions…

1. “How was I ever going to fight the blurring lines in our relationship when I enjoyed being with him so much?” (210)

This is the section where we really see Bella toeing the line with Jacob. He’s not really Bella’s idea of boyfriend potential…and yet, she’s stringing him along. Do you think Bella is clear enough with Jacob on where he stands? (in relation to friend vs. boyfriend) Or is she using Jacob for more than just friendship?

I think Bella has Jacob sitting in her back-pocket. It’s clear that even she thinks that she isn’t being clear enough with Jacob. I think that to fill Edward’s void she likes that not only is Jacob her friend…he’s also attracted to her. While it was the ripping away of Edward’s love that put her in such a deep hole, you can’t tell me that the romantic rejection felt any better. Just knowing that you have a guy out there acting the part of a boyfriend…I think that can go a long way to healing the hurt.

1.5 Have you ever held a “back-up” boyfriend in your romantic history? How did that work out for you?

Alas, no real back up guy for me. I guess there were always boys that I flirted with in school but no one like Jacob…that I could have turned to and had an instant boyfriend.

2. Once Bella figures out that Jacob is also a “mythical creature” she wonders why her life is so filled with characters from horror movies. If you could have a friend or two from the creepy creature department who would you pick? Feel free to break away from wolves and vampires…Invisible man maybe? Ghost? Swamp Thing? Get creative 😉

I’m going to take a few friendly ghosts. It would be cool to have their histories as well as their special powers of invisibility and swiftness of movement. Plus, maybe a real witch. Not the Wiccan religion or anything like that. I’m talking a born, spell inducing, snap your fingers and it happens Witch. That would be a very cool best friend to have.

3. Bella automatically assumes that the wolves are bad, the ones causing the deaths in the woods. Both Vampires and the Wolves are dangerous creatures but only the Wolves are shown to have caused damage (Sam’s mauling of Emily’s face, the more unbalanced changing of the wolves). Why do you think Bella was so trusting of Vampires and skeptical of the Wolves?

I think that Meyer had to make them look dangerous for plot reasons and also as an extra push for the reader to prefer Edward to Jacob. Plus, it’s a way to remember that the wolves are young as a community. Sure they have history, but the wolves themselves are young in their existence. The vampires have been practicing caution for a long time. But it does always irk me that they are set up to seem like the safest choice…

4. Bella’s cliff diving…Another thrill seeking expedition? or Suicide? Rereading the scene that cinches Edward’s own suicide decision, how premeditated do you think Bella’s idea was? This second time around could you see Bella building up to the final jump? or were you as surprised as you were the first time around?

I think that Bella was heading toward that decision the whole time. She saw the storm, knew it wasn’t smart to do it alone, and yet she jumped. Bella is risky but she’s not stupid. I still think the decision comes sort of out of nowhere. But this time while reading the scene I was struck by how knowledgeable she went into the situation. It was definitely suicide…

5. Bella talks about choosing Jacob in the last part of this section. And as she leaves to save Edward Jacob is still begging her not to go…Reminding her that she has a choice…Bella could have chosen Jake at this moment and changed the course of the series. If you were Bella which choice would you have made?

Ahh, as logical as it would be to pick Jacob…I’ve always been Team Edward. No way I wouldn’t have run off after him in Italy either. It’s why we love the series…

Questions Ch. 19 – Epliogue

1. Alice feels the frustration…”Actually, Bella…Honestly, I think it’s all gotten beyond ridiculous. I’m debating whether to just change you myself.” (436)

What do you feel at this point in the novel, Alice’s frustration to get on with the inevitable change…Or Edward and Rosalie’s fierce grip on experiencing human life?

2. Suicide…dun dun dunnn…We know that Edward ultimately chooses to K.I.S.S.(keep it simple stupid) “He’s going to keep it simple. He’s just going to walk out into the sun.” (438). Bella dramatically jumped off a cliff…as did Esme for that matter…This may be a bit morbid, but if you had to end it all (in the name of Love obviously, lol) how would you do it? Quick? Slow? A flair for the dramatic? Feel free to comment on the formerly mentioned characters if plotting your own demise is just a little too much for you…I’ll understand 😉

3. Ahh, the Volturi. The creepiest of the creepy vampires. How do you feel meeting them for the second time? Do you have a favorite villain? A power you’d steal for Team Cullen? 

3.5. Obviously the book does not contain the fight scene the movie does. Do you prefer the first meeting with the Volturi violence free? Or would a few punches have livened up the scene?

4. Chapter 23: The Truth. This is an open thoughts question. It’s meant to be the make up scene…If you were Bella are you buying Edward’s ‘truth’? How do you feel as an outsider watching the scene?

5. Poor Charlie! The guy is abandoned by his daughter at least once a book, lol. And he always takes her back. As a reader I’ve always kind of pitied the guy…In honor of his paternal patience write your biggest, most parent-like, rant at your ‘daughter’ Bella. Give us the anger and the passion Charlie never seems to express in the books!

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I’m a lover of the group read-along. And I was sooo happy to see that this September the lovely bloggers from Tina’s Book ReviewThe Unread Reader, Edgy Inspirational RomanceIrresistible Reads and Supernatural Snark will be hosting a read-along of Lisa T.Bergrens YA novel Waterfall. It’s the first book in the River of Time Series. And the group-read is just in time for the release of Torrent the third book in the series on Sept 1. I’ve never read this series before so I’m excited to start!

If you’d like to join the crew sign up on Tina’s Book Review by linking up your post announcing the read-along. The first five questions are at the bottom of this post and will be discussed on August 31, 2011. And for everyone who links up and joins the read-along, Lisa Bergren herself has offered a trilogy set of her series to one winner each week. Yup- that means Waterfall, Cascade and Torrent, all for the taking…and for the mathematically impaired (like me, lol) that’s five winners!!  Signing up and participating automatically enters you into the drawing and if the winner is from the US- Lisa will sign them as well. Each winner will be announced at the hosts blog the following week after the discussion.

(Here’s the button if you’re planning on joining the fun!)

The Discussion Schedule:

August 31- Chapters 1-6 Hosted by Tina at Tinasbookreviews
Sept 7- Chapters 7-11 Hosted by Missie at The Unread Reader
Sept 14- Chapters 12-17 Hosted by Joy&Serena at Edgy Inspirational Romance
Sept 21- Chapters 18-23 Hosted by Jenny at Supernatural Snark
Sept 28- Chapters 24-28 and Wrap Up Hosted by Nic at Irresistible Reads

Discussion Questions for Chapters 1-6

1. Waterfall opens with the introduction of Gabi, shes depressed, a little angry and is dealing with feelings of loneliness. Are you connecting with her this soon in the novel? Do you see things you like or dislike?

2. Gabi gets to time travel back to 14th Century Italy- The Dark Ages in its prime. Is there anytime in history that fascinates you and would you travel back if you could?

3. Most of the men, including Marcello have a very set opinion about a woman’s place. Gabi gets manhandled a bit in these first few chapters, and even gets asked if she’s a witch. The men are shocked when Gabi rides a horse like a man and shimmies down the castle walls. What do you think of mens mentality back then? Gentlemanly, chauvinistic, simple-minded?

4. When Gabi becomes a part of this era, the people are immediately intrigued but suspicious of her. Many judge her by her difference. Do you think this is fair? Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like an outsider or that others were misjudging you?

5. What do think the coolest thing would be about living in the Dark Ages? What would be the worst?

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