
Posts Tagged ‘river of time series’

Waterfall Wednesdays-A Read-a-Along Event

(Because we all know how much I love me a Read-a-long ;) )

Discussion Questions for Chapters 24-End

Today’s questions hosted by Irresistible Reads

1. After Gabi is injured, the doctor gives her a tonic. Gabi questions the doctor several times what is in it but he refuses to tell. Would have you taken the tonic in Gabi situation?
I think Gabi was in so much pain…she was willing to try anything. I think what also helped was that the doctor was just giving Gabi something for the pain. Natural remedy pain killers have been around for centuries. Now if the doctor had whipped out some leeches Gabi would have had an issue. But I think that first scene where the doctor is slightly insulted that Gabi questions him played out pretty true to life. A man would have been insulted at a woman questioning him…and Gabi would have tried anything once to kill that pain.

Before the games Gabi asks Lia to let Lord Forabosch win in the archery event as people- especially Lord Forabosch- are becoming suspicious of them. But during the games Lord Forabosch upsets Lia trying to throw her off her game. So Lia decides to win. Do you think she did the right thing by not letting Lord Forabosch bully her or do you think she took an unnecessary risk?
Oh my gosh, was any one shocked when Lia decided to beat his medieval booty?…Anyone?…Didn’t think so. That girl wasn’t happy from the start with the idea of concealing her ability. Lord Forabosh just tipped her over the edge. We all knew she was going to take home the gold.
When Gabi is dying and she and Lia decide to return to the tombs so they can get the cure at home, they have to tell Marcello the truth. Even though Marcello thinks that it is madness that they are from the future, he believes in Gabi because he loves her. Do you think this is believable? What would you have done if you were Marcello?
See, I don’t know that Marcello believes her before they start to disappear. Not fully anyway. I think they’re all a bit panicked with the idea of Gabi dying and Marcello is about to give anything a shot.
Also, remember that this was a time where they believed in witchcraft. Sure, you were burned at the stake for it…but they had a wider range of belief in the supernatural than we have today. The idea that Gabi could travel through time probably fit within the bounds of this thought. Though, if she ever comes back, Gabi is going to have a hell of a time convincing everyone she’s not a witch!
In the end Gabi and Lia return home. Do you think Gabi will return to Marcello? Would you go back?
I wouldn’t have left the tomb!!! After realizing I was healed I woulda stuck my hand back on that print while I still had Lia in the cave…Good luck getting Lia to agree to time travel any time soon! (I know, I know, this is a series…obvi someone goes back. But at the end of this book I would have found it hard to see Lia agreeing again right away.)

Looking back at Waterfall what was your favorite moment? 
Whole thing? lol. I loved watching Gabi heal Fortino. Loved the scene where Gabi rides the horse astride. Seeing Gabi wield a sword for the first time. And then the first time Marcello admitted that Gabi was the girl he loved…There, four favorite moments 😉
So reading the rest of the series 😉 RachelKiwi already started number two…taunting me through txting that it gets good! She’s such a pusher…lol.

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Waterfall Wednesdays-A Read-a-Along Event

(Because we all know how much I love me a Read-a-long ;) )

Discussion Questions for Chapters 18-23

Today’s questions hosted by Supernatural Snark

 1. Gabi and Lia both face several life and death situations in these chapters, having to pick up weapons in defense of those they love and experiencing first hand the brutality of close combat. If you had the choice between picking up a weapon and standing on the front lines or staying behind to tend to the wounded as necessary, which would you choose?

I’d tend to the wounded. I find that I’m a lot better in managing situations of controlled chaos than dealing with violence. I think I’d be able to keep my head in the trauma situation and not turn green like Lia.

2. Both girls get to wear extraordinary gowns to their victory celebration; what would your dream medieval gown look like?

Mine would be emerald-green, and I liked the lady below…

but maybe more embroidered a la…

and I’ve always been a sucker for this picture…

3. Gabi has crude stitches put in and must endure both their removal as well as the cauterization of the wound. How is your threshold for pain? Do you think you would have simply gritted your teeth as Gabi does?

This is so funny, I just got stitches yesterday…over 30 of them! Hurts like your favorite swear word, let me tell you.

Well…it hurts after all that local anesthesia wears off. Could not imagine doing it without modern medicine. Nope. No way no how.

4. Marcello wants to properly court Gabi after they express mutual feelings of affection, wanting to speak with her mother about his intentions. What do you think is the most romantic aspect of medieval courtship?

I think it’s the idea of the pledge. When a courtship is done right, with feeling the way Gabi and Marcello are…it’s beyond romantic. Putting your love on the line from the beginning.

However without love, a medieval courtship could be the worst way to trap someone in marriage. Once an intention is made it would have been very hard to back out without ruining a reputation or alliance. So we’ll see how Lady Rossi and the Nine handle that one.

5. Gabi and Lia find themselves with conflicting desires toward the end with Lia wanting to return home and Gabi hoping to stay. Do you think that Gabi is being unfair to Lia for wanting to stay, or is Lia being unfair to Gabi for demanding they go? A little of both?

This is so hard! Rationally I side with Lia. They are girls of the 21st century. They do not belong in medieval Italy, and even with their super skills are probably ill equipped to survive.

But then there’s that attraction that Gabi and Marcello have. That would be so hard to give up no matter what the circumstances. Through out history and daytime-drama TV we always see lovers who will give up almost anything…endure the worst to be with the one they love. I’m really interested in seeing how this one ends up! Remember, it’s my first time with the book!

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I’m a lover of the group read-along. And I was sooo happy to see that this September the lovely bloggers from Tina’s Book ReviewThe Unread Reader, Edgy Inspirational RomanceIrresistible Reads and Supernatural Snark will be hosting a read-along of Lisa T.Bergrens YA novel Waterfall. It’s the first book in the River of Time Series. And the group-read is just in time for the release of Torrent the third book in the series on Sept 1. I’ve never read this series before so I’m excited to start!

If you’d like to join the crew sign up on Tina’s Book Review by linking up your post announcing the read-along. The first five questions are at the bottom of this post and will be discussed on August 31, 2011. And for everyone who links up and joins the read-along, Lisa Bergren herself has offered a trilogy set of her series to one winner each week. Yup- that means Waterfall, Cascade and Torrent, all for the taking…and for the mathematically impaired (like me, lol) that’s five winners!!  Signing up and participating automatically enters you into the drawing and if the winner is from the US- Lisa will sign them as well. Each winner will be announced at the hosts blog the following week after the discussion.

(Here’s the button if you’re planning on joining the fun!)

The Discussion Schedule:

August 31- Chapters 1-6 Hosted by Tina at Tinasbookreviews
Sept 7- Chapters 7-11 Hosted by Missie at The Unread Reader
Sept 14- Chapters 12-17 Hosted by Joy&Serena at Edgy Inspirational Romance
Sept 21- Chapters 18-23 Hosted by Jenny at Supernatural Snark
Sept 28- Chapters 24-28 and Wrap Up Hosted by Nic at Irresistible Reads

Discussion Questions for Chapters 1-6

1. Waterfall opens with the introduction of Gabi, shes depressed, a little angry and is dealing with feelings of loneliness. Are you connecting with her this soon in the novel? Do you see things you like or dislike?

2. Gabi gets to time travel back to 14th Century Italy- The Dark Ages in its prime. Is there anytime in history that fascinates you and would you travel back if you could?

3. Most of the men, including Marcello have a very set opinion about a woman’s place. Gabi gets manhandled a bit in these first few chapters, and even gets asked if she’s a witch. The men are shocked when Gabi rides a horse like a man and shimmies down the castle walls. What do you think of mens mentality back then? Gentlemanly, chauvinistic, simple-minded?

4. When Gabi becomes a part of this era, the people are immediately intrigued but suspicious of her. Many judge her by her difference. Do you think this is fair? Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like an outsider or that others were misjudging you?

5. What do think the coolest thing would be about living in the Dark Ages? What would be the worst?

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