
Posts Tagged ‘breaking dawn’

The Twilight ReRead Finishes! ;)

Bookgoonie and I are forging ahead through the final book of the Twilight Series. Since it’s been a long road you’ll notice we switched up our format from questions to subject topics…You can only ask about the love triangle so many times…lol.

I just have to say that this Re-Read was tough. I loved doing it with Bookgoonie. I’m so happy I finished the books pre-Breaking Dawn movie time. But man, that’s a hefty lot of books we worked out way through! I think we both deserved a little pat on the back and extra butter on our movie popcorn, lol.

As always remember to head over to for Bookgoonie for her take on Ch. 34-End. If you don’t have a blog you can comment through Twitter with #mondaybites.

Without further ado…Topics…

Creeps. Bookgoonie was creeped out by all the Vampires. I’m gonna disagree. I loved meeting all the wild Vampires. It was cool to hear how they all connected over the years, how other Vampires lived their lives. Up until now we’ve only been acquainted with the puritan-like Cullens or the nasty eat-everyone type. I thought it was cool that Meyer filled in the Vampire grey spectrum with others who were different but not all bad.

Plan B. I hated having to watch Bella figure out a contingency plan for Reneseme and Jacob. This takes about 2 chapters of this section of the book. That’s a lot of time spent calmly and sadly figuring out how to leave her daughter if she and Edward die. I know that it was realistic, the need to do something like this. But I hated watching it. Felt more like Bella had given up rather than amping up for this final battle. This may be why we were all so disappointed in the big climax.

Epic Battle. I’m torn about the Epic Battle. First off, it’s not going to film well. It only barely provided the tension we needed to end the series. Ultimately, they never really even fought! Given the entire battle/tension happens in Bella mind…I’m predicting a big Hollywood re-do (a la, Edward’s fight in Volturi that never happened in the book) or maybe a really cool special effect…?

But then there is a large part of me, as a reader, that understands why this is Bella’s gift and that it really does save the day…just not in an action packed/judo kick kinda way. I liked how Bella’s human personality and gifts were amplified when she turned Vampire, it worked for her character…just doesn’t make for a blockbuster ending.

The Re-Appearance of Alice. This ending was the one I felt was totally fulfilling. Alice coming in at the 11th hour, heck more like 11:59, with the answer to the Reneseme problem. Not only can Alice prove their innocence she can show them another vampire/human offspring that proves Reneseme will get to live…not just age rapidly and die. This is why Alice is one of my favorite characters. She always comes through in the end…with pizzazz!

The Wolves Aren’t really Werewolves?! I mean I get it, seriously, I get it. It doesn’t really make sense for Jacob and his pack to be werewolves. Meyer never played into any traditional were lore. In fact, she went out of her way to give this pack their own story. Still doesn’t change the fact that for 4 HUGE books we all thought we were dealing with werewolves and then 3 pages from the end Meyer pulls the rug out from under us. So I get it, really I do…just makes me want to scratch my head and ask Why?…

The Happy Ever After. I have to give a shout out to Bella hefting away her mental super shield and showing Edward all of her memories. I loved that she does it to show him her love.

“”Now you know,” I said lightly, and shrugged “No one’s ever loved anyone as much as I love you”

*sigh* I do love that ending to the book. Because Epic Battle Fail or not this was and always has been a love story…A very successful one at that…

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The Twilight ReRead Continues ;)

Bookgoonie and I are forging ahead through the final book of the Twilight Series. Since it’s been a long road you’ll notice we switched up our format from questions to subject topics…You can only ask about the love triangle so many times…lol.

I’m sorry that for the second time this ReRead I’ve missed a Monday. My Hubby’s father passed away suddenly last week and we flew to our hometown to be with family. Needless to say I’ve lost all track of the days, my books, and any post that wasn’t fully written and finished. Again, I have to thank Bookgoonie for forging ahead and keeping the Twilight Read right on track!

As always remember to head over to for Bookgoonie for her take on Ch. 26-33. If you don’t have a blog you can comment through Twitter with #mondaybites.

Without further ado…Topics…

Mediocrity. Bella muses about her 18 years of mediocrity. No talents brag about. No trophies for reading books. Share some of your areas of mediocrity and what could you win a trophy for.

Well, I may win a little gold star for reading. But this award would have to be ongoing…I imagine something along the lines of those little charts we had in Elementary School; those ones where you would get a star a week or something…and I want the multi-colored metallic stars…not just gold. I’m picky like that.

But what else? Hmm…I’m not really sure what else I’d win a trophy for? The ability to fall asleep anywhere maybe? Never having missed an episode of Project Runway? I can count to twenty in French? Yeah, not very good mediocrity.

Competitive. It cracks me up that Jacob is having to make a game out of drinking animal blood for Reneseme. Are you competitive about anything or ever coaxed anyone for their good?

I’m all about slipping pills and such into cheese or warm french fries to give them to my dog. Total coaxing for her own good. As weird as it sounds, I’ve always thought Jacob was kinda cute in doing this. It worked, and is sweet in a blood sucking kinda way.

As far as being competitive. I’m super competitive with myself. Weird, I know. But my assistant did all this testing on me during graduate school and as it turns out I’m not competitive with other people. I’m willing to help, give them time to figure it out, hint…but when I had to answer something on my own…I piled on the pressure for myself super competitive between the test and myself…I hate being wrong!

Dystopia? Is the Volturi the dystopian government of YA?

Hmm…Can you be dystopian if you’ve been around since, uhm, forever? I’m going to say I think of them more as a medieval government. This ultimate ruling system where the head of state is untouchable. You have to throw yourself on their mercy (like Edward a la Breaking Dawn) to get anything done. There is no Democracy in that society, lol.  

Stop by next week for the ultimate face off & end of the reread.

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The Twilight ReRead Continues ;)

I am a bad re-read along partner.  Bookgoonie and I have been forging ahead through the Epic that is the Twilight Series. And last week I had a huge fail. Not only did I not list questions for my chapters…I didn’t even answer Bookgoonies! Didn’t even read the book. My only excuse is that sometimes life gets away from you…and my Monday’s Bite had to give. Major props for Bookgoonie going it alone!

So that means this is my second Monday’s Bite post. Ooops…All caught up now, lol. Remember to head over to forBookgoonie for her take on Ch. 8-18. As always, if you don’t have a blog you can comment through Twitter with #mondaybites.

Without further ado…Questions…

Point of View. I think it was a good move switching to Jacob. While I don’t know that I especially like where his head’s at during this time period I think his narrating this section is good for the following reasons…

  1. While I wouldn’t mind a more intimate view of Bella and Edward during this time. It’s probably a lot of super painful and depressing musings.
  2. I like the view we get of pack life and the development of Jacob’s character
  3. I think it makes for a nice drop off when he sees Reneesme.

Pregnancy. Geeze, could Meyer have given teens a little scarier view of pregnancy if she had tried? I’ve never been pregnant, but I look forward to that experience as a time of love and hope. Granted Bella’s pregnancy isn’t smooth to say the least, but a lot of people’s aren’t. I just think Meyer could have softened the experience somewhere…given some hope, some love, some excitement…plan a nursery…something?! Because this painful, all-out gory, experience was disturbing to read my first time through, and doesn’t lose too much of its punch in later reads.

Soulmates. As much as I love the idea of Soulmates in my fiction (bring them on! They only serve to hasten more intimate romance). I don’t believe in them in real life. I’ll give you fate as a reason I ended up with my husband…but I’m not 100% convinced I couldn’t have had a love with another. Or that, god forbid, something should happen to one of us…wouldn’t the other like to see the living person find happiness again? So then what does that mean? Was your first relationship not your soulmate?

I guess while it would be wonderful to “imprint” and be 100% sure that you were with The One. I just don’t think it exists in the real world.

Purpose. I think any pack or group needs a central focus. How would they survive without it? I mean, the wolves wouldn’t even exist if the Cullens didn’t move in next door. I think the purpose of Bella, is more of a unique task. Through it I think Jacob’s Pack’s purpose becomes uniting the Wolves and Vampires together in a common goal of protection against “bad” vampires.

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The Twilight ReRead Continues ;)

I am a bad re-read along partner.  Bookgoonie and I have been forging ahead through the Epic that is the Twilight Series. And last week I had a huge fail. Not only did I not list questions for my chapters…I didn’t even answer Bookgoonies! Didn’t even read the book. My only excuse is that sometimes life gets away from you…and my Monday’s Bite had to give. Major props for Bookgoonie going it alone!

Today I’ll be listing both last weeks and today’s Monday’s Bite post. Remember to head over to for Bookgoonie for her take on the second installment. As always, if you don’t have a blog you can comment through Twitter with #mondaybites.

Without further ado…[last week’s] Questions…

Marriage. I’ve always kind of wondered why Bella had such a problem with the whole marriage thing. She has no trouble committing to a relationship. She’s not overly gossipy or concerned with what others think. Yet it seems like it’s only this worry about what others think that seems to stop her…She’s actually a little embarrassed by the whole thing.

And I love that Renee is such a foil…totally into the whole union. And that Charlie can’t argue because he’d really be saying something like “I’d rather you live in sin first” hahahaha. Makes me happy.

Souls. I have a hard time understanding why Edward is so convinced he doesn’t have a soul. A lot of common myth has the soul escaping at the point of death. Literally the essence that allows you to be brought back to life or not. So long as a soul remains in a body, the body can be saved. I don’t know where in the Vampire making process a person actually dies. Bella would have been changed by a single venom filled bite…From fully alive to fully Vampire…When are we assuming a soul exits?

Philosophical discussion aside…Edward and the soul thing is a bit of a bummer. It seems to be his one teenage-angst leftover.

Wedding. Ok, is anyone else bothered by the fact that Bella goes through the day in a haze? That she seems to not have been a part of the planning at all? I mean the girl doesn’t even look in a mirror until the reception!!!

I’ve always been bothered by this part in the book. I feel like the only experience we have of the wedding day is through Bella’s eyes and we miss out because of it. Bella may not care…but I do! I vote a second telling of this whole process/day through the eyes of Alice, because that girl will give me the poop on the event!

Wedding Crasher.  Dislike Jacob A LOT in this book. He starts it off as a total a$$. He shoulda just stayed wolf-man and let Seth be the representative. Because even as the youngest of the pack, Seth has much more perspective…

Honeymoon. We wait 3 looooong books for them to consummate something! Seriously frustrating. They needed to put some more ‘honey’ in the ‘moon’. Honestly, by the time Bella has the sex-frustration dream I was ready to club Edward in the head and drag him to the bed myself!

Babies. I’ve always been a little sad that Edward wasn’t a little happier about the pregnancy from the beginning. And from a 20/20 standpoint…a little disappointed in Meyer for Edward’s reaction as well. This whole pregnancy thing is about to get super traumatic. I wish Meyer had given them a little hope for the whole process. Some openness in the beginning, because once Bella starts dying its all kinds of horrific…and I feel like they never had that happy/expectant phase…

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