
Posts Tagged ‘Somebody to Love’


Parker Wells is loaded. Girl’s rich like Midas and raising her son in the family compound. But Parker isn’t just some spoiled rich girl. She’s focused on raising her son along with her son’s father…who just so happens to be married to Parker’s BFF. She has a bestselling series of children’s books featuring a band of  rollerskating angels named The Holly Rollers. And those perky pipsqueeks are about to debut in their first full lengh feature film!

Life is really comfortable for Parker…sure there’s no man turning on “Lady Land” but a girl can be happy with a beautiful child and full life.

That is until Parker’s Dad…and all of his assets (including Parker’s trust fund and home) are seized by the government. Parker is now homeless, and almost penniless looking at a pretty bleak future. Her only hope is renovating and selling a forgotten Aunt’s coastal home in rural Maine. Pumped up with hope, a new puppy, and a hot, but annoying minion of her father’s tagging along Parker may be able to change her life around…And she may find that her new life is worth far more than the wealthy one she lost…


I loved this book. Can I just leave my review at that?

Just say: “Read It”

Tell you to find a comfie couch, cup of coffee, glass of wine and read, read, read

Offer the advice to “Save this one for when you really need a great dose of chick lit”

…For when you want to find a funny and surprisingly strong heroine make the most out of life

When you want to see a fiesty relationship spring from a misunderstood past…

When you want to kick back with some lemonade and imagine watching the hero nail some shingles to your beach cottage…shirtless…

I Change my Mind. Wait till the summer to read this one. Save it for a beach chair and some waves, a deck and a cold beer, a pool float and some SPF.

Enjoy watching characters from Higgins previous books (Catch of the Day and The Next Best Thing) find more Happily Ever After.

Laugh about all the references to “Lady Land”

Just read this one…You’ll thank me, because like I said after I read Until There Was You, Higgins only gets better and better with each book released.

4/5 For an almost perfect Chick Lit read. 

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