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Beach Week Book 2

I loved this book. The beach setting is so well done you’ll taste the salty air. A perfect read surrounded by sun and sand or your couch…’cause you’ll feel like you’re there…


“I read once that water is a symbol for emotions. And for a while now I’ve thought maybe my mother drowned in both.” (9, ePub)

Anna and her father are moving back to Crystal Cove State Park. Under the guise of a promotion for her father this family of two are really moving back so they can move on with their lives. Nine years after the death of Anna’s mother Anna is returning to the beach-side town where she was born and where her parents fell in love. She’ll learn to see her past in a different light, and finally face the aftermath of her mother’s “accident”. With the help of her perky friend Ashley, running buddy Jillian, poetry quoting Joy, and the beach crawler Joseph, Anna will find her way through emotions she’s been running from for years. Now, if only the cute lifegaurd could just hurry up and kiss her already, life wouldn’t be so bad.


This book was so refreshing, so simple and honest after all of the if not paranormal, then weird stuff I’ve been reading lately. This book is really like slipping into a beach chair and staring at the ocean. It’s calm and turbulent, and the emotion comes in waves. Kirby does a great job with setting, her writing takes the  reader to the beautiful beach Anna and her father live at. That’s what makes this book such a great beach read. Even if you’re stuck on your couch this summer you can experience ocean life through Anna and her lifeguard-ing father and boyfriend.

Another thing that I loved about this book was that the romance was not the center of this story. Sure, Anna has a love interest in Tyler but the whole relationship is so realistic. There is no insta-love and Tyler even waits an exorbitant amout of time casually firting with Anna before he even trys a move. This is how I remember high school relationships starting. Lots of wondering and attempts at giving the guy an opening. It’s a really endearing relationship…one that develops naturally.

But that’s what’s great about Anna as a character. She’s so normal. Yes, she has issues with her mother’s suicide but beyond that…just a great girl. No body issues, normal amount of confidence, some great friends that make for enjoyable supporting characters. This is a book to sink into and enjoy. It doesn’t have any cliff-hangers, it’s not a series, and no one has found a soul mate at age 16. Instead it’s a great novel where plot threads and character actions weave together so effortlessly you’ll just ride a wave to the beautiful moments where tears do come…in the best possible way.

Pick this one up immediatly it was one of the smoothest, well written books I’ve done in a long time.

Rating: 10/10

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