
Posts Tagged ‘letters’


“”You are a whore,” he said

“With you I was,” she said quietly. “I must have been, because I certainly didn’t do it for love.”” (193, ePub ed.)

Jennifer Stirling wakes up to a world and a life she doesn’t remember. Surviving a car accident that killed other passengers she is unfamiliar with the reflection of a mirror not to mention the man who visits her bedside as her husband. Jennifer finds that her life is one of luxury. She has social standing, a fashionable home, and a closet full of jewel box worthy dresses.

But memories are slowly coming back. A pair of emerald-green shoes that she remembers exiting a taxi in. A dress connected to memories that seem unpleasant. But then she finds it…hidden amongst womanly trappings in a place her husband would never think to look. It’s a letter, full of love and desperate passion. Beginning with the words “My Dearest and only love” Jennifer stumbles upon a past that goes far in explaining her lack of love for her husband and gives her hope for a future that is more than she has come to expect.


Is there anything better than a love letter? Written conformation of emotions and feelings. There are anthologies of them, famous ones, personal ones, anonymous ones.

Jennifer Stirling awakes from a major car accident completely amnesic. She remembers nothing – not even the look of her own face. But as memories begin to come back to her she feels as though all is not right – her relationship with her husband is not what a marriage – a fairly new one at that – should be. And then she finds it. “My dearest and only love…” A love letter s full of passion and desperation she knows immediately it was not penned by her husband. Written by the mysterious “B” it ends begging Jennifer to join him “I’ll be waiting on the platform from a quarter to seven. Know that you hold my heart, my hopes, in your hands”

So begins a slightly convoluted tale of the great love story. Parts 1 and 2 reveal pre-and post- accident views of the romance from the perspective of both Jennifer and her B. Their’s is a love that the fates were not kind to. Giving them a love that most people only dream of while thwarting them at several key turns as well.

The restrained passion of Jennifer and her B is juxtaposed with Ellie Haworth and her married lover. John’s txt messages. Which is again foiled by the loose footed Rory the librarian. As Ellie becomes more involved in Jennifer and B’s love she is also falling down the rabbit hold of her own love affair.

Didn’t see modern part coming. I thought that was what the book was about but after parts one and two stuck in the past I kind of assumed I was remembering the wrong synopsis! At first I was annoyed to find myself in the present. I wanted to stay with Jennifer and B…I needed to learn more! But after becoming more acquainted with Jennifer and watching her trace the path of these letters, I really began to enjoy the final section of the book.

This is a story that unwraps slowly and every time you think you know whats around the corner what you find is not quite what you were expecting. This is a love story for the romantic…and inspiration for letter writers everywhere.

Rating: 7/10 A life long love, a beautiful letter, and a modern girl who learns a lesson of love and life…

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