
Posts Tagged ‘emily bronte’

Book Club of Two

One of my best friends from High School (RachelKiwi…the one on the left) happens to share my own addictive love of reading…She even owns a Nook and everything so we share and trade and do lots of texting about bookish things while we should be working. Every so many weeks we get an itch and decide to do a book together. Our reading abilities are about the same so there’s no problem with finishing the text in a day or two…we both read that fast. Since RachelKiwi is a great gal I thought I’d give you guys a little peek into our exclusive club šŸ˜‰

Now it’s time to introduce you to our next venture…

The Book Club of Two ain’t afraid of no book. This is why after a few adult titles, fairly easy chick-lit types, we thought we’d show off our reading chops. Yep, we’re finally going to put to use all those literary degrees we have. Our parents will be so proud.

If you haven’t guessed from the picture above we’re heading off to the moors of England for Wuthering Heights. We’re going to be posting every Wednesday for the rest of November. I for one say that I’ve never enjoyed this book. RachelKiwi claims that while she does in fact enjoy the novel…she prefers Jane Eyre, just like me.

So shelving our favorite Bronte sister we both decided it was time to try out Emily. We’re going to be asking those in depth questions like “why the heck is everyone named Catherine or Heathcliff?!” yep, real literary stuff like that.

Feel free to join us in this little re-read. Try out a classic that you may have loved or hated in your previous reads. Find some love along the moors…

Here’s the Reading Breakdown:

11/9: Chapters 1-8

11/16: Chapters 9-17

11/23: Chapters 18-26

11/30: Chapters 27-34

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