
Archive for the ‘Short Stories’ Category


“I dream about sledding. That’s what it’s like to barrel forward toward September, to speed toward the day when I will no longer be troubled by amor deliria nervosa. It is like being on a sled in the middle of a cutting wind. I am breathless and terrified; I will soon be engulfed by whiteness and suctioned into another world.

Good-bye, Hana.” (7, Scribd ed.)

In Delirium Hana was the wild child, the best friend…a girl who, in her last summer of Love, began to fall away from Lena. We knew Hana was a party girl. She’d become addicted to the thrill of the underground parties, the beat of forbidden music, and the kisses of a man. Hana was striving for the love she knew would be forcibly removed from her in September.

What we didn’t see through Lena’s eyes was the destruction Hana’s new life was causing. That like so many sufferers of amor deliria nervosa Hana may have placed her faith and her kisses with a boy who wasn’t worthy. And if a broken heart isn’t bad enough…she’s now staring at love’s perfection, in the form of her best friend’s new relationship. It’s easy to see through Hana’s eyes how someone would want to rip the ability to love from another. If only to make them hurt as much as you…


Geeze! If you weren’t pumped for Oliver’s second installment: Pandemonium (coming to a bookstore near you in just 1 week!) the novella “Hana” is sure to get you salivating.

I just want to take a second right now and remind you all that the novella is Free Online right now. If you don’t mind reading from your computer. Though from personal experience I can tell you it makes it a lot easier to read at work *wink*

But back to the story. This novella gives insight into Delirium. I thought I had Hana pegged. I thought she was a wild child who didn’t really have the guts to go wild or, err, into ‘the wilds’. I thought she was a little rich girl playing with the idea of revolution before heading back into the ranks of good society in September.

Who knew Hana was really off having her heart-broken and her ideologies of love beaten up. Seeing the story through her eyes busts apart what you thought was going on in Hana’s world. And it leads to a cliffhanger I didn’t see coming. I can’t go any further without revealing some spoilers. If you’re now dying to go out and read this one. The Link is Here.










Honestly, what Hana goes through in this book is so very normal; downright average for our society. It’s all about Hana flirting and going to second base with a guy. Steve to be exact. Hana is dreaming of rainbows, unicorns, and escaping to the wilds to live on love. Steve just wants in her panties.

Ouch – For Hana’s heart and her panties as Steve is not the smoothest maker-outer

But Steve remains a sketchy dude, in part because that’s exactly what he is, but also because he never becomes a fully formed character in our eyes. We see that Hana is pinning her heart on a man who really isn’t in this for the long haul with her. We’ve all watched a girlfriends go through this same process…Wondering why she can’t see a booty-call for what it is…

But in a society where your shot at love is so brief, mistakenly choosing the wrong guy is akin to love-suicide. There will be no second chance.

“Suddenly all I can think about is a line from the book of Lamentations: What glitters may not be gold; and even wolves may smile; and fools will be led by promises to their deaths.” (26, Scribd ed.)

This is about the point that Hana hits her wall. You can see it all fall apart. Her view of the party raid is terrifying. Followed by learning that Lena is secretly in love…The loss of her romantic hope and her best friend is too much. Ending in that cliffhanger! Why Hana? Did you really? WTF?

Dying for Pandemonium next Tuesday!

Rating: 5/5 A little novella that rips what you thought you knew wide open. 

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I am on Vacation…So it’s Beach Week here on the blog.

Granted I live less than a mile from the ocean in Southern Florida, so really every week is beach week for me, but there is just something special about being on vacation at a beach. Even if you’re a year round beach bum a week’s worth of no work and all play is still pretty awesome. So in honor of my time at the shore every post this week is vacation or beach related. For those of you grumbling about my beach fortune don’t worry…This week starts with a group of vacation stories you might rather avoid…

Libba Bray, Cassandra Clare, Claudia Grey, Maureen Johnson, Sarah MlynowskiBookTalk

“You know that prickly feeling you get on the back of your neck? The one hat makes you scared to turn around? Pay attention to that, Holmes. That is a Me-NO-Likee signal creeping up from the lizard part of your brain – some primal DEFCON center of your gray matter left over from the very first ancestors that hasn’t been destroyed by gated communities, all-night convenience stores…,and a half dozen fake Ghost Chaser shows on late-night cable. I’m just saying that lizard part exists for a reason. I know that now.

“So if you’re walking down that unfamiliar path and the mist rises up out of nowhere and slips its hands over your body, turning you around until you don’t know where you are anymore, and the trees seem to be whispering to you? Or you think you see something in the dark that shouldn’t exist, that you tell yourself can’t possibly exist except in creepy campfire stories? Listen to the lizard, Holmes, and do yourself a favor.

“Run. Run like Hell’s after you.

“Because it just might be.” (pg. 116-117 ePub edition)


This is a collection of short stories about what happens when your vacation goes wrong. Because really, who wants to hear about a trip where someone sat on a beautiful beach? I only want to hear about that trip if I was on the trip, or I’m about to go on that trip. However, if I am sitting on my couch…amongst my laundry and a carpet that needs vacuumed…I want a vacation where something goes wrong. Like, vampires-on-your-cruise wrong, a curse-in-the-French-countryside wrong, spell-gone-wrong, wrong. Types of wrong that will make that summer sunburn look like…well…a day at the beach.

These stories were fluffy and fun. The perfect combination of teeny-bopper hair flipping and sleep with the light on scary. Not all the tales were scary scary stories, but all do contain a twist you may not have seen coming. I was personally taken by surprise in the first story Cruisin’ by Sarah Mlynowski. It’s the perfect tale to start this collection off, seemingly fluffy with a game-changing plot move 3 pages from the end. The story gave me a smile and a chilly surprise. The rest of the collection didn’t disappoint. Law of Suspects by Maureen Johnson in the middle upped the horror factor with a cursed story and a lonely French manor. Then Libba Bray drives it home with the most classically paranormal/scary story Nowhere is Safe. A gothically creepy, superstition-ridden romp in an Eastern European hill town. Very few survive that blood bath…be prepared.

In the end this was a great beach read…or couch read depending on your summer plans. For those choosing a ‘staycation’ over the traditional summer travel, know that you’ll experience very little envy from these travelogues. In fact you may feel a little smug, safe in your house…alive. Now, if only someone could come fold the laundry…

Rating: 7/10

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